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A Naturopathic Approach to Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19: Anti-Inflammatory Support (Part 4)


In addition to ways to support your health and immune system covered in parts 1, part 2, and part 3, part 4 covers anti-inflammatory support. If there is significant inflammation mid- or late in the infection, your doctor may recommend lowering immune support and applying anti-inflammatories. Antioxidant support usually helps throughout the infection and recovery.  

Signs that you may need anti-inflammatory support include prolonged or worsening symptoms more than a week or 2 after symptoms begin. Your doctor may check your CRP levels (a test for inflammation) or D-dimer (a marker for blood vessel inflammation). 


Maintaining blood levels of potassium and magnesium is important as the infection can cause these electrolytes to become depleted. These levels can be increased by consuming potassium-rich foods. Eating bananas, oranges, cantaloupe, cooked spinach or broccoli, and potatoes (regular and sweet) can help you maintain adequate levels within your system.


A well-known anti-inflammatory, Curcumin has been shown to effectively lower inflammation in chronic inflammation such as autoimmune conditions and in acute inflammation such as an infection. Dose in COVID infections is 500mg 3-4 times per day, which can be increased to 1000mg 3-4 times per day if inflammation is escalating for a period of time. Liver function tests should be assessed when using high doses, as liver toxicity is uncommon but has been reported.


Derived from the stems of pineapple, bromelain is very safe even in high doses, decreases tissue edema and inflammation, and has been shown to lessen severity of damage done after a heart attack and stroke. It is used in setting of asthma, bronchitis and sinusitis to decrease mucus production. The dose is 600-2400 GDU between meals.

Other anti-inflammatory options include Resveratrol 200-400mg twice a day, Sulforaphane 200mg 2-3 times per day and Boswelia 400mg twice a day.

 Berberine (covered in Part 3) is active in both the immune support and anti-inflammatory responses.

Leann Silhan, MD


Yanuck SF, et al. Evidence Supporting a Phased Immune physiological Approach to COVID-19 from Prevention Through Recovery. Review of Emerging Research. Integrative Medicine. Epub Ahead of Print.

Rathnavelu V, Alitheen NB, Sohila S, Kanagesan S, Ramesh R. Potential role of bromelain in clinical and therapeutic applications. Biomed Rep. 2016;5(3):283‐288. doi:10.3892/br.2016.720