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Benefits of Concierge Medicine for Employers

Concierge Medicine for Employers

As the health insurance industry continues to change and cost of employee coverage increases, many businesses are finding it harder than ever to cover employees without taking a serious hit to their finances. Traditional health insurance for employees can be one of the largest costs incurred throughout the fiscal year. Human Resource staff in Dallas are finding themselves in need of creative ways to get around this growing challenge without upsetting the lives of employees. Diamond Physicians exists to provide Dallas companies the perfect alternative, or even addition for local companies that need a practical but affordable way to provide health coverage through concierge medicine, but how do employers benefit from concierge medicine over a traditional approach to coverage?


Ease and Flexibility

Concierge medicine cuts out the health insurance middleman. By utilizing concierge primary care doctors in Dallas, employers are able to customize plans to suit their workforce after consultation with the right healthcare management firm. With concierge medicine, your company can focus on providing the type of care your employees really need without paying for unused services.

This ease of use and flexibility also extends to employees as they utilize concierge services. Unlike other primary care physicians in Dallas, concierge doctors like Dr. James Pinckney II are able to cut down wait times by limiting their number of patients and reducing in-office visits through 24-hour telemedical services and at-home visits. These conveniences give employees the opportunity to reduce time away from the office and get back to work faster, minimizing absenteeism and increasing productivity for the company.


Cost Reduction

By utilizing primary care doctors in Dallas that don’t accept insurance, you reduce overall fees for your company and your employees all at once. Fees paid to insurance agencies inflate the costs associated with doctor’s visits, tests and lab work. With concierge medicine, those fees are eliminated, making primary and urgent care visits much cheaper to cover. This creates better cashflow as claims are funded as they are paid rather than relying on prepayment. This in addition to unlimited visits for a monthly fee rather than payments per visit keeps yearly costs per employee lower than when a company uses a traditional benefits package.

By limiting insurance coverage to catastrophic coverage and coupling it with concierge medical services, companies can see immediate savings of up to 3% by removing state taxes associated with more traditional plans. This on top of avoiding both risk charges and carrier profit margins can add up to 25% in overall yearly savings.

Employees can also see themselves saving both time and money. A $120-$180 monthly fee may seem like more money upfront, but concierge medicine is accompanied by unlimited primary care and urgent care visits. Coupled with shorter wait times on appointments and much longer appointment times that allow for higher quality care, employees will get more bang for their buck and avoid the additional costs of co-pays and the inflated costs of tests and lab work.


About Diamond Health

Diamond Physicians open doors for companies in the Dallas area that need a new and effective way to approach employees’ needs for health providers. By providing customizable, quality care that focuses on preventative care and improving overall health, employers can satisfy employee demands for optimal healthcare without continuing to juggle the overwhelming costs of traditional health coverage. Contact Diamond Physicians today and learn how switching to concierge medicine will better serve your company’s needs and bring you bigger yearly savings.