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How to Naturally Sharpen Your Memory

As people age, some suffer significant memory loss. If you want to lower your risk for memory-related conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, there are things you can do to sharpen your memory. Using the suggested list below, start adding each tip to your daily routine. Before long, they’ll be habitual and something you do automatically without extra thought.


Continue Learning Something New

Being mentally active has its benefits. That’s why you should learn a new language, do crossword puzzles, join a book club or learn a new gardening method. Stepping outside your comfort zone by learning something new activates processes that protect individual brain cells from damage and encourage communication between them.


Avoid Added Sugars

Too much sugar may cause memory loss, especially in adolescents. Being mindful about the amount of sugar you consume each day can help you avoid memory loss. Even natural sugars can be problematic if consumed in large quantities, so eat them sparingly.


Take Supplements

Vitamin C, vitamin E, and omega-3s are highly beneficial in fighting memory issues. Packed with antioxidants that fight free radical damage, the supplements are easily accessible and readily available for the body to process. If you find it difficult to get enough of the substances in your diet through the food you eat, buy bottles of the suggested supplements over-the-counter.


Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol destroys brain cells and makes it hard for you to remember things. It also impairs your judgment, increasing the risk of you harming yourself or others through your actions. You should limit the amount of alcohol you consume at home and socially. Damaging your brain cells can permanently affect your ability to remember things as you age.


Train Your Brain

There are many ways to give your brain a good workout. Some suggestions include driving a different route to work, playing chess, reciting poems, phrases, and songs, learning a foreign language, and even playing a sport. The more you practice, the stronger your ability to recall memories will be. You’ll be able to pull up something you’ve learned quickly from your brain with little effort.


Get Enough Physical Activity

Exercise keeps you physically and mentally fit. The release of growth factors responsible for brain cell health, the blood that flows to the brain, and the number and survival rate of brain cells enhance through physical activity. Making it a point to exercise regularly lowers your risk for stroke, too, which affects the memory. Buy a pedometer or fitness tracker and start counting your steps daily as a way of adding more exercise to your routine.


Have a Good Sleep Schedule

One of the most common side effects of sleep deprivation is memory loss. The Sleep Foundation notes that insufficient sleep prevents memories from consolidating. There aren’t enough new pathways available because there wasn’t enough time to create them. When you sleep, the brain filters memories from the day from other information so you can retrieve them easier.


Eat Right

There are many foods capable of boosting your brain activity and memory. It’s important that you add them to your diet so you can start benefitting from their vitamins, minerals, and nutrients immediately. When shopping at the grocery store, be sure to add fatty fish such as salmon and trout to your cart. You’ll also want to make room for blueberries, broccoli, pumpkin seeds, nuts, dark chocolate, and coffee because of their high levels of antioxidants and other excellent substances for the brain.


Talk to a Doctor

Diamond Physicians takes your health concerns seriously. When wanting to learn more about ways to avoid memory loss, we’re your go-to source for information. Contact us right away for more information and to set up a health care screening with us. Keeping your brain healthy is our top priority!