1. Improved health- through greater access & communication with your health care team
Time saving- virtually no wait at the office for your appointment and virtual visits at your fingertips without visiting the office
2. Cost containment- membership fees are fixed and additional lab & imaging studies are steeply discounted
3. Personal relationship with your physician & health care team- who knows, you might meet a new friend
4. Early detection of disease- through expanded and advanced screening and personal relationship with frequent contact
5. Same day appointments- when you’re sick and needy and mom’s chicken soup just isn’t enough
7. Your personal physician available through technology (email, phone, text & video conference)- prove to your friends you have your doctor on speed dial & get treatment for many common complaints while you’re at home, work, college or traveling
8. All procedures performed in-house are included- no extra charge for an ingrown nail removal, joint injection or skin tag removal
9. No penalty for pre-existing conditions- unlike the proposals under TrumpCare
10. No middle man- take insurance out of your health care decisions and let your highly trained physician advise what is best for your health instead of the non-clinical clerk working those computer keys at the health insurance company
Read more of Dr. Stuart’s thoughts here
Call our office today to set up a free consultation to see if Diamond Physicians is right for you.
Dr. Cynthia R Stuart, MD
Office: 972-684-5201
Top 10 Reasons You Should Join a DPC Practice
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