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4 Natural Ways to Deal with Feelings of Depression

woman dealing with feelings of depression at home

Depression is a medical condition that can wreak havoc if not properly handled. While sadness and tears are considered natural and even helpful at times, clinical depression requires professional health care and well-researched approaches. It’s common for doctors to prescribe antidepressants to alleviate the symptoms, and in many cases, they can be very helpful.
However, not everyone wants to go that route. There are some natural steps that those with feelings of depression can take to help alleviate some of these symptoms.


1. Eat Healthily

No depression diet exists, and many so-called diets that claim to help depression don’t work. You cannot raise serotonin levels in your brain by eating tryptophan-containing foods nor bananas. However, there is a case for having a healthy diet in the first place. A lack of vitamin B12 and a lack of vitamin D may cause depression, so having foods rich in these might make a difference. A lack of selenium, magnesium, and zinc can also be a cause of depression, although this is rare.

In addition, having a healthier diet with lots of leafy greens and fresh fruit does appear to have some effect on mood. Plenty of fiber, a good balance of protein and dairy, and small amounts of fat can make a real difference. Those working nights should increase their vitamin D intake in particular.


2. Exercise

The therapeutic effects of regular exercise are inexhaustible, ranging from disease prevention to cardiovascular health, weight management, and better bone and muscle development.
Exercise takes on a series of biological events that can increase endorphins in your system. Endorphins are the natural “feel good” hormones produced by the body, especially after high-intensity workouts. Walking or jogging 10 to 20 minutes daily can release these hormones.

Besides easing your depression temporarily, regular workouts benefit the brain, muscles, joints, heart, skin, and other organs. If depression comes from work-related stress, exhaustion, and restlessness, working out is one of the effective ways to rejuvenate the body. It also helps promote sleep.


3. Sleep

Physicians often consider insomnia a typical depression symptom. Unfortunately, the more hours you deprive yourself of sleep, the worse your depression gets. Sleep is essential for growth, development, and rejuvenation, playing a vital role in easing depression.

The body heals all the damage suffered during the day when you rest. Doctors recommend sleeping at least 7 hours for optimal health. You can set a routine to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, helping reset your brain.

Exercise regularly, avoid caffeine and other stimulants at least four hours before going to bed and incorporate new habits that help you fall asleep faster. This includes shutting off lights or keeping your phone away from the bed.


4. Set Goals

Increasing sadness and feelings of worthlessness hallmark clinical depression. You might feel incapable of accomplishing anything, which only worsens your situation. Setting small, manageable goals and achieving them is an efficient way to push back.
You can set simple daily goals and follow up to finish various tasks. Maintain a routine, whether for exercise, home chores, or work-related assignments. You will soon have a list of accomplishments.

The cycle naturally releases more endorphins and helps with confidence. Setting goals also gives you structure, so you can wake up with something to look forward to and assess before you end the day.


Professional Health Care for Depression

Diamond Physicians focuses on providing premium health care services in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Our patient-centered approach to health care aims to help patients prevent, manage, and recover from various illnesses, physical, emotional, or psychological. Contact Diamond Physicians today for all inquiries concerning depression treatment in Dallas.